Wisconsin Field Test

The ENDURANCE field test will take place on Lake Mendota in front of the University of Wisconsin Madison campus. The schedule is below. Many of the team are staying at the Lowell Center on campus. You can check for accommodation there and say you are with the Center for Limnology. That may be full in which case there are other options around, but probably a little further away.

We will be hosted by the Center for Limnology 680 N. Park St., Madison Water Science and Engineering Laboratory (WSEL)

660 North Park St is where the AUV will be stored and worked on when not in the water

We will be operating off of a pier a few 100 meters to the East of WSEL. See location.

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For more information contact pdoran@uic.edu

A short informal press briefing has been scheduled for 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 12, at the UW-Madison Memorial Union, 800 Langdon St. (Check 'Today in the Union' for the room where the briefing will be held.) Afterward, media will be invited to see ENDURANCE as it is tested in Lake Mendota off of Alumni Pier.

Saturday Feb 9, 2008: AUV departs Stone Aerospace in Texas on flat-bed trailer towed by private vehicle
Sunday Feb 10: Most personnel arrive in Madison. Hole established
Monday Feb 11: 7am - noon: AUV checkout at UW heated facility.

noon - 5pm: dunk test - basically we'll hang the vehicle in the water from the crane for about the length of a planned mission and we'll observe how systems behave as it cools down.
Tuesday Feb 12: 10:30am - 5pm: general maneuvering and navigation tests (sub-ice)
Wednesday Feb 13: 10:30am - 5pm: power cycling tests (sub-ice) + radio location tests (assuming the ice is safe to walk on)
Thursday Feb 14: 10am - 7pm: USBL, multi-beam sonar, and machine vision first tests (if up and running)
Friday Feb 15: 10:30am - noon: full mission simulation (Mission Planner-to-bot, run mission, download, display

noon - 5pm: pack up
Saturday Feb 16: team leaves