
November 1st, 2007 - November 1st, 2008

Categories: Video / Film

<em>snstncntnrs</em> EDL
snstncntnrs EDL


snstncntnrs is an open video project in the form of files that include a set of cuts described in a EDL and Final Cut Pro XML file. These cuts can be applied to any video using video editing applications. Translation: Paige Treebridge has created a Final Cut timeline - complete with a variety of cuts and effects - but without the video content.

Participants / Users can import snstncntnrs - as an XML or EDL file - into any compatible program and add video to the empty, stylized timeline. The experimental and “open” nature of the project lies with the user, who creates a unique personalized video based on how they work within the constraints of the snstncntnrs timeline.
