April 24th, 2004 - April 25th, 2004
Categories: Applications, Tele-Immersion, VR Art
EVL participates in a remote VR exhibition in Buffalo, New York, demonstrating the following virtual art pieces: Animagina, BeatBox, Looking for Water, PAAPAB and Rutopia. Other networked collaborators include University of Indiana and Department of Media Study at Buffalo, SUNY.
Co-organized by well known University of Amsterdam media critic Geert Lovink and the UB department of Media Study media artist Trebor Scholz, this conference will bring together one hundred participants working in the fields of Art, Sociology, English, Art History, Political Science, Education, Communications, Anthropology, e.Poetics, Informatics, Bio-Technology, Media Activism, and Computer Science.
The following issues in an experimental conference setting: distributed creativity, collaboration between artists and scientists, gender, free universities, “anti-universities,” self-organized learning groups, Open Source / Free Software for situations of learning, the ABC’s of collaboration, technical media, and children, 1960’s Play Theory, open content initiatives, archives and shared authority, attribution, social network architectures, collective literary practices, artistic collaborative practices - critical deviance and splintered subversion, self-activated oral histories, data programming for community, collaborative storytelling, and community radio. A free theory magazine about online collaboration will be launched during the conference (8000 copies).
Center for Applied Technologies and Education, The Office of the Vice-President for Research, Springerin- Magazine for Contemporary Art (Vienna, Austria), c magazine (Toronto), Edward H. Butler Chair in the Department of English, The Department of Media Study, The College of Arts and Sciences, The Department of Comparative Literature, Neutral Magazine (Italy).