April 16th, 2006 - May 1st, 2006
Categories: Applications, Education, Human Factors, Visualization
EVL faculty member, Professor Tom Moher is awarded by the ACM SIGCHI organization one of the CHI 2006 Best Papers. The CHI conference is the leading international research conference in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. Professor Moher’s paper was one of three to receive the award from a field of over 600 submissions. He will present the paper at CHI 2006 conference in Montreal in April, 2006.
“Embedded Phenomena: Supporting Science Learning with Classroom-sized Distributed Simulations” features a creative set of techniques that combine ambient displays and physical artifacts to create novel classroom-based learning activities. Through a set of case studies, Moher describes how persistent simulations of scientific phenomena are monitored and manipulated by students to gain a better understanding of earthquakes, planetary motion, and insect ecology.