April 13th, 2006
Categories: Multimedia, Networking, Sound Art, Supercomputing, Tele-Immersion, Video / Film, VR Art
On behalf of the Peoria Civic Federation, Peoria NEXT, and the ArtsPartners of Central Illinois, “Interplay: Loose Minds in a Box” has been chosen as one of the Distinguished Semifinalists for the 2006 Peoria Prize for Creativity.
The honor of being a Semifinalist for the Peoria Prize is made all the more so by the high quality and creativity of the many projects from throughout the country submitted this year by teams of world-class collaborators. A panel of seven anonymous judges from all walks of the creative class - artists, scientists, educators, entrepreneurs, and government leaders - picked the ten Semifinalists that included “Loose Minds in a Box”, which embodied the spirit of creative collaboration that is the Peoria Prize.