4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

December 10th, 2008 - December 12th, 2008

Categories: Applications, MS / PhD Thesis, Networking, Software, Supercomputing


The 4th IEEE International Conference on e-Science held at the University Place Conference Center, Indianapolis, IN is designed to bring together leading international and interdisciplinary research communities, developers, and users of e-Science applications and enabling IT technologies. The conference serves as a forum to present the results of the latest research and product / tool developments and to highlight related activities from around the world.

PhD candidate, Venkat Vishwanath presents EVL’s collaborative research with NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, The Rails Toolkit (RTK) - Enabling End-System Topology-Aware High-End Computing Friday, December 12, 2:45 p.m. to 3:15 p.m., Room Number 208.

We present a novel rails approach so that future e-Science applications can effectively exploit future system architectures, including multicore and many-core architectures, multiple network cards, multiple graphical processing units, and hybrid hierarchical memory architectures. We define “rail” as the co-scheduling of two or more of these resources. This approach enables creation of parallel multi-rails through every aspect of an end-system: from processing on the multi- and many cores, to generation of multiple data flows, and streaming over multi-lane NICs connected via a parallel interconnect. We describe a novel open-source multi-rail toolkit and the evaluation of end-system parameters that impact the efficiency of such multi-rail systems, including Interrupt, Memory, Thread, and Core Affinities, key properties for achieving scalable performance.
