MS / PhD Thesis


The Masters of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the Computer Science and Engineering programs offer study and research in several areas of specialization including Computer Graphics (Electronic Visualization EV). Students seeking a specialty in EV will study and conduct research coinciding with the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) research goals.

The Masters of Science (MS) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the Computer Science and Engineering programs are highly competitive international programs that accept new students in the Fall of each year. Graduate catalogues are available online: or for purchase through the UIC Bookstore.

Over the past ten years, EVL’s focus has been on the development of advanced visualization devices and applications for collaborative exploration of scientific, engineering and other interactive environments over national and global high-speed networks.

Students focus upon creating and refining the infrastructure, tools and techniques, which drive these efforts. Opportunities for collaboration with leading researchers to develop visualization applications in areas such as computational science, engineering, networking, mathematics, medicine, industrial design, education, architecture and art are numerous. Research Assistantship (RA) and tuition waivers are available for students in support of funded research projects.

Application and admission to the MS or PhD programs is made directly to the Department of Computer Science. Detailed information on How to Apply can be found on the Department’s Graduate Admissions webpage.

Student Affairs Office
Department of Computer Science
Phone: 312.996.3422

Please note that all correspondence with the UIC Department of Computer Science involving graduate admissions should use the following address:

The University of Illinois at Chicago
Department of Computer Science (M/C 152)
Attn: Student Affairs Office
851 S. Morgan St.
Chicago, IL 60607-7053

Please do not send the graduate college application, fee or transcripts to this address. Please refer to the links above for specific instructions.