SIGGRAPH 2009 Information Aesthetics Showcase

August 3rd, 2009 - August 7th, 2009

Categories: Animation, Cultural Heritage, Multimedia, Software, Visualization, VR, VR Art

Reconstruction of Kizhi Still
Reconstruction of Kizhi Still


EVL Associate Professor, Daria Tsoupikova in collaboration with EVL PhD alumni, Robert Kooima, Louisiana State University exhibit Passing Place for Games at SIGGRAPH 2009, New Orleans, LA. As part of the “Information Aesthetics Showcase,” Passing Place for Games visualizes a detailed reconstruction of Kizhi, a world-famous Russian heritage site, developed using the latest concepts in real-time graphics, including complex illumination with dynamic-irradiance environment mapping, shadow mapping, and complex materials with normal and gloss mapping.

The S2009 Information Aesthetics venue features media rich works that combine technical and artistic disciplines, where new media artists join scientific visualization, informatics, and medical imaging specialists to create purposive, predictive, and creative representations of information.
