October 11th, 2009 - October 16th, 2009
Categories: Applications, Software, Visualization
EVL PhD candidates Khair Reda and Yiwen Sunpresent their current research at the IEEE VisWeek 2009 in Atlantic City, New Jersey October 11 - October 16, 2009.
IEEE VisWeek 2009 is the premier forum for visualization advances in science and engineering for academia, government, and industry. This event brings together researchers and practitioners with a shared interest in techniques, tools, and technology. The combined conference and symposium features co-located events of:
IEEE Information Visualization 2009 (InfoVis)
IEEE Visualization 2009 (Vis)
IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST)
EVL poster presentations include:
InfoVis 2009, Khairi Reda
SocioScape - a Tool for Interactive Exploration of Spatio-Temporal Group Dynamics in Social Networks
Khairi Reda, Chayant Tantipathananandh, Tanya Berger-Wolf, Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson
VAST 2009, Yiwen Sun
Articulate: a Conversational Interface for Visual Analytics
Yiwen Sun, Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Dennis Chau