Liz Marai
Professor of Computer Science

research interests

I am an educator, a scientist, a researcher, and an inventor. My research is in visual computing and analysis, an area of computer science that handles images, 3D models, and the interaction between humans and data that can be represented visually. I am a Professor of Computer Science, a University of Illinois Scholar (Chicago, Springfield, Urbana-Champaign), and a faculty member of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois Chicago. The lab's research pages are the best place to learn more about my current work.


I am a full member of the University of Illinois Cancer Center (UICC) and a member of the Discovery Partners Institute (DPI).

research awards

My research has been recognized by peers with a US National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award, and by multiple NSF research awards, and I lead multi-site US National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 awards. I have received multiple Oustanding Research Awards at conferences, including a Test of Time Award, along with my students. My research has been featured in textbooks, and on journal and newsletter covers. I have co-authored scientific open-source software adopted all over the world, from Ghana to Canada, and I am an inventor (a.k.a. patent co-author) whose ideas have been embedded in a medical instrument.


I teach regularly the following courses in the CS department:

I have received seven Teaching Awards for courses that blend teaching and research; although, or perhaps because, I often choose to experiment with my teaching and learn from the results. My lab's teaching portfolio showcases some of the work produced by my students.

service and outreach

Please see my CV for a complete list of professional service and outreach activities. I am currently the Director of Graduate Admissions and Co-Director of Graduate Studies in my department.