Prof. Liz Marai
Here, There, and Everywhere

Contact Information

The easiest and most reliable way to contact me is via email: gmarai AT My office is SEO 932, but I am often at the Electronic Visualization Laboratory in ERF 2032.

SEO Location:

  • Science and Engineering Offices (SEO)
  • Room: 932 SEO
  • 851 S. Morgan St, MC 152,
  • Chicago, IL, 60607

ERF Location:

Step by step directions are on the EVL website (bottom of the page).

  • Engineering Research Facility (ERF)
  • 842 W Taylor, Room 2032
  • Chicago, IL 60607

Mailing Address:

  • Prof. Liz Marai
  • Department of Computer Science M/C 152
  • University of Illinois Chicago
  • 851 S Morgan, Room 1120
  • Chicago, IL 60607-7053

EVL Shipping Address:

  • Prof. Liz Marai (c/o Lance Long)
  • 842 W Taylor, Room 2032
  • Chicago, IL 60607