Amplified Collaboration Environments

November 1st, 2002

Categories: Applications, Human Factors, Tele-Immersion

The Continuum Project
The Continuum Project


Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Park, K., Nayak, A., Singh, R., Chowdhry, V., DeFanti, T.


Amplified Collaboration Environments are distributed extensions of traditional warrooms or project-rooms, in which a group of people collect to intensely solve a problem together. Prior work in project-rooms has been mainly restricted to co-located groups. The technology is now available to realize affordable collaboratoriums that can support intensive work between distributed organizations. This paper describes the Continuum, an Amplified Collaboration Environment specifically targeted for supporting collaborative scientific investigation.




Leigh, J., Johnson, A., Park, K., Nayak, A., Singh, R., Chowdhry, V., DeFanti, T., Amplified Collaboration Environments, VizGrid Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, November 1st, 2002.