RoomBugs: Simulating Insect Infestations in Elementary Classrooms using Commodity Hardware

April 22nd, 2006

Categories: Applications, Education, Human Factors, Visualization

Students Interact with RoomBug Application
Students Interact with RoomBug Application


Barron, M., Moher, T., Maharry, J.


This paper presents research on a collaborative learning envrionment in an urban elementary science classroom. The application, called RoomBugs, simulates a dynamic ecosystem of insects within the physical space of a classroom. Using table-mounted tablet computers as “sand traps” that capture the foot-prints of virtual bugs walking across the screen, participants take on the role of scientists attempting to track and control the imagined insects that exist within their classroom walls. The simulation is designed to create authentic phenomenon without required heavy instrumentation.

Keywords: Learning technologies, simulation, embedded phenomena

ACM Classification Keywords: H.5.3 Computer-supported cooperative work, K.3.1 Computer uses in education




Barron, M., Moher, T., Maharry, J., RoomBugs: Simulating Insect Infestations in Elementary Classrooms using Commodity Hardware, ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2006) Extended Abstracts, Montreal, Canada, April 22nd, 2006.