Enabling High Resolution Collaborative Visualization in Display Rich Virtual Organizations

July 24th, 2008

Categories: Education, Government, Industry, Networking, Software, Supercomputing, User Groups, Visualization

High-resolution scientific visualization being shared by various groups around the world (US, Czech Republic, the Netherlands) at the same instant
High-resolution scientific visualization being shared by various groups around the world (US, Czech Republic, the Netherlands) at the same instant


Renambot, L., Jeong, B., Hur, H., Johnson, A., Leigh, J.


We predict that high-resolution displays will penetrate scientific laboratories first, and will become pervasive at the office, in the cubicle, and meeting room, and ultimately at home. In this paper, we present a novel approach to distribute high-resolution images to multiple tiled displays in real-time using a high-performance PC cluster. This approach allows users to share their visualization applications and videos on multiple tiled displays, repositioning and resizing each application window independently. These operations require high-resolution image multicasting from a rendering cluster to multiple display clusters. A high-performance bridging system called SAGE Bridge performs the image multicasting on a high-performance PC cluster. We show in several experiments that this system enables sharing of high-resolution scientific animations and high-definition videos (with audio) between multiples international sites, hence creating virtual research laboratories (i.e. virtual organizations).

Keywords: Collaborative computing, Visual, Network communication




Renambot, L., Jeong, B., Hur, H., Johnson, A., Leigh, J., Enabling High Resolution Collaborative Visualization in Display Rich Virtual Organizations, Future Generation Computer Systems 25 (2009), Elsevier B.V., doi:10.1016/j.future.2008.07.004, pp. 161-168, July 24th, 2008.