Using Game Mechanics to Facilitate Networked Musical Collaboration

May 7th, 2016

Categories: Human Factors, Networking, Sound Art, Audio Research, Tele-Collaboration

A screencast from a performance with Monad v0.1 [6], which utilized a client-driven rewarding mechanism.
A screencast from a performance with Monad v0.1 [6], which utilized a client-driven rewarding mechanism.


Cakmak, C., Camci, C., Forbes, A.


In this paper, we investigate methods for improving networked musical collaboration by introducing game mechanics to musical performance. We present a novel audiovisual performance system, where multiple users contribute to an over-the-network performance that is mediated by a variety of game-like rules. User evaluations and audience feedback collected in both private performance and public concert contexts indicate the potential of game-like music environments for improving musical interaction and listener attention in networked computer music performances.

Author Keywords: Networked music performance; game mechanics; audiovisual performance systems.

ACM Classification Keywords: H.5.5 [Information interfaces and presentation.




Cakmak, C., Camci, C., Forbes, A., Using Game Mechanics to Facilitate Networked Musical Collaboration, CHI 2016, Workshop on Music and HCI, San Jose, CA, May 7th, 2016.