Securing Collaborative Work in Wide-band Display Environments

December 13th, 2021

Categories: Applications, Software, User Groups, Visualization, Tele-Collaboration, Remote Collaboration, Cybersecurity, Data Science

Examples of SAGE2 wide-band displays
Examples of SAGE2 wide-band displays


Bharadwaj , K., Burks, A., Johnson, A., Long, L., Renambot, L., Brown, M., Kobayashi, D., Belcaid, M., Kirshenbaum, N., Tabalba, R., Theriot, R., Leigh, J.


SAGE2 (Scalable Amplified Group Environment) is the de-facto platform to support group work on wide-band display environments. Unlike most web applications, the SAGE environment, due to the nature of its collaborative model, needs a nuanced handling of security aspects. This paper details the security requirements of SAGE2, the Identity and Access Control model that was developed to address those requirements, and the details of the Identity and Access Management system that the SAGE team implemented based on this new model. Further, we present a comparison of this new system with some of the popular collaboration platforms to highlight the uniqueness of SAGE2 integrated with this new Identity and Access Management system.

Keywords: security, access control, collaborative environment, wide-band displays





Bharadwaj , K., Burks, A., Johnson, A., Long, L., Renambot, L., Brown, M., Kobayashi, D., Belcaid, M., Kirshenbaum, N., Tabalba, R., Theriot, R., Leigh, J., Securing Collaborative Work in Wide-band Display Environments, IEEE CIC 2021: International Conference on Collaboration and Internet Computing, December 13th, 2021.