Visualization and Interaction
Collaborative Research: CSSI Frameworks: SAGE3: Smart Amplified
Group Environment for Harnessing the Data Revolution, National
Science Foundation (OAC 2003800), $2,282,000, 5/15/20 - 4/30/25,
Andrew Johnson, Luc Renambot, Maxine Brown
CHS: Small: Collaborative Research: Articulate+ - A Conversational
Interface for Democratizing Visual Analysis, National Science
Foundation (IIS 2007257), $333,000, 10/1/20 - 9/30/23,
Andrew Johnson, Barbara Di Eugenio, Moira Zellner
Machine learning and extended-reality for fast user-wearable robot co-adaptation,
Chung-Ang University, $70,313, 5/1/21 - 4/30/22, Myunghee Kim, Andrew Johnson
SI2-SSI: SAGEnext: Next Generation Integrated Persistent
Visualization and Collaboration Services for Global Cyber
Infrastructure, National Science Foundation (ACI 1441963),
$5,574,991, 10/1/13 - 9/30/21, Jason Leigh, Maxine Brown, Luc Renambot,
Andrew Johnson, Lance Long.
Research and Development in Visualization, Analysis and Scalable
System Software, Argonne National Laboratory, $313,364, 10/10/14 -
5/14/20, Andrew Johnson
National University Rail (NURail) Center: Tier 1 University
Transportation Center (UIC sub award from UIUC) continuation, US
Department of Transportation, $156,356, 10/1/13 - 9/30/18, Ahmed
Shabana, Craig Foster, Ouri Wolfson, Mohsen Issa, Andrew Johnson
Sub-ice Investigation of Marine and PLanetary-analog Ecosystems,
NASA (NNX14AC01G), $4,724,192 (UIC $300,309), 7/25/12 - 1/8/18, Britney
Schmidt, William Stone, Peter Doran, Andrew Johnson, Stacy Kim, Mark
Skidmore, Nathan Bramall, Frank Rack
EAGER: Collaborative Research: Articulate: Augmenting Data
Visualization With Natural Language Interaction, National Science
Foundation (IIS 1445751), $300,000 (UIC $253,521), 8/15/14 - 7/31/17,
Barbara DiEugenio, Andrew Johnson, Leland Wilkinson, in collaboration
with Jason Leigh.
Describing, Contrasting, and Visualizing End-of-Life Care in the 21st
Century, National Institute of Nursing Research, $2,069,041,
9/9/11 - 6/30/15, Gail Keenan, Diana Wilke, Yingwei Yao, Andrew Johnson,
Rashid Ansari, Ashfaq Khokhar
Modernization Directorate: Research, Analysis, and Databasing of
Emerging High Power Directed Energy Technologies, Air Force
Surgeon General Office #FA7014-09-2-0003 - T4T, $510,121 of $12,081,177,
9/30/09 - 5/31/15, Michael Colvard, James Radosevich, Benjamin Vesper,
Carlotta Evans, Luke Hanley, Brian Murphy, Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson
CI-TEAM Demonstration Project: Enhancing Stakeholder Participation in
Environmental Planning with Visualization Tools that Support Complex
Systems Learning and Spatial Thinking, National Science Foundation
(OCI-1135572), $265,953, 8/1/11 - 8/31/15, Moira Zellner, Andrew
Johnson, Leilah Lyons, Charles Hoch, Josh Radinsky
STCI: OptIPlanet Cyber-Mashup: Persistent Visualization and
Collaboration Services for Global Cyber Infrastructure, National
Science Foundation (OCI-0943559), $1,933,337, 9/1/09 - 8/31/13, Jason
Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Maxine Brown, Luc Renambot
Collaborative Research: Toward Lifelike Computer Interfaces that
Learn, National Science Foundation (CNS-0703927), $1,262,315 (UIC
$569,872), 1/1/07 - 1/31/12, Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Luc Renambot,
Steve Jones, Tom DeFanti, in collaboration with Avelino Gonzalez, Ron
Future Earth Initiative, National Science Foundation
(DRL-0741760), $2,999,477 (UIC: $205,943), 4/1/09 - 12/31/11 Patrick
Hamilton, Paul Morin, Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Luc Renambot
Center for End-of-Life Transition Research (CEoLTR) supplement,
National Institute of Nursing Research, $399,753, 9/18/09 - 9/29/11,
Diana Wilke, Andrew Johnson, Rashid Ansari, Ashfaq Khokhar, Yingwei Yao
Environmentally Non-disturbing Under-ice Robotic Antarctic Explorer
(ENDURANCE), NASA (NNX07AM88G), $2,140,519 (UIC: $462,570), 5/1/07
- 6/14/11, Peter Doran, Andrew Johnson, William Stone, Bin Chen, Chris
McKay, John Priscu
Collaborative Research: CoreWall - Integrated Environment for
Interpretation of Geoscientific Data from Sediment and Crystalline
Cores, National Science Foundation (OCE-0602117), $461,663 3/1/06
- 2/28/09, Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Luc Renambot
Visualization Techniques for Supporting Rapid Decision Making
Involving Large Scale Data (TRECC), Office of Naval Research/NCSA,
$328,756 3/03-2/04, $138,054 3/04-2/05, $243,532 3/05-2/06, $193,916
3/06-2/07, $172,935 3/07-2/08, $150,000 3/08-2/09, Jason Leigh, Andrew
Johnson, Tom DeFanti, Luc Renambot,
ITR Collaborative Research: The GeoWall - Stereo Visualization for
the Earth Sciences, National Science Foundation (EAR-0218918),
$282,541, 9/15/02 - 9/14/06, Andrew Johnson
Collaborative Research: A GIS Database for Studying and Visualizing
Tethyan Plate Collisions, National Science Foundation
(EAR-0238416), $108,630, 10/1/03 - 9/30/05 Martin Flower, Andrew Johnson
CISE Research Infrastructure: CAVERN: the CAVE Research Network,
National Science Foundation (CNS-9802090), $2,112,000, 9/1/98 - 8/31/04
Tom DeFanti, Pat Banerjee, Maxine Brown, Ugo Buy, Rhonda Drayton, Robert
Grossman, Andrew Johnson, Robert Kenyon, Tom Moher, Francis Quek, Nong
Corridor One: an Integrated Distance Visualization Environment for
SSI And ASCI Applications, Department Of Energy, $399,115, 7/01/99
- 7/15/01, Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Tom DeFanti
Center for Integrated MicroSystems, UIC OVCR Research
Program/Center Seed Grant Program, $100,000, 10/1/98 - 9/30/99, Krishna
Shenai, Ishwar Puri, Andrew Johnson
Learning / Education / Outreach
C^2-THE-P^2 = Chicagoland Computational Traineeship in High
Energy Particle Physics, $2,600,000 ($1,426,606 UIC),
Department of Energy (G2A62841), 10/15/2022 - 06/30/2027,
Jahred Adelman (NIU), Richard Cavanaugh, Andrew Johnson, Mike Papka
Transforming Storytelling: a Novel Tele-immersive Performance Merging
Live Theater and Multi-user Virtual Reality, National Endowment
for the Arts, $20,000, 6/1/21 - 5/31/23, Daria Tsoupikova, Andrew Johnson, Jo Cattell,
Arthur Nishimoto, Lance Long
Enhancing Physical Rehabilitation through Dynamically Reconfigurable Virtual Worlds,
Shirley Ryan Ability Lab,
$233,000, 1/15/2018 - 12/31/22, Andrew Johnson
Transforming Storytelling: Multi-User Virtual Reality Theater for
Collaborative Tele-Immersive Exploration, State of Illinois,
$150,000, 1/24/19 - 12/31/21, Daria Tsoupikova, Andrew Johnson, Jo Cattell,
Arthur Nishimoto, Lance Long
Training Program in the Biology and Translational Research on Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementias,
National Institutes of Health (National Institute on Aging) (T32AG057468), $982,973, 9/15/19 - 8/31/23,
Orly Lazarov, Ernesto Bongarzone, Scott Brady, Douglas Feinstein, Jacob Haus, Andrew Johnson,
Mary Ladu, James Lee, Jie Liang, Gregory Thatcher, Xincheng Yao
Human Augmentics for Sustained Wellness, University of
Illinois at Chicago Center for Clinical and Translational Science,
$30,000, 2/1/12 - 4/30/14, Jason Leigh, Steve Jones, Robert Kenyon,
Stellan Ohlsson, Giselle Mosnaim, Robin Mermelstein, James Rimmer,
Andrew Johnson, Eulalia Puig Abril
REU support from Illinois Space Grant Consortium, NASA, $20,315,
6/2/06 - 2/28/11, Andrew Johnson
Disaster Preparedness Training - An online gaming demonstration for
scenario-based training of middle school aged children, State of
Illinois, $706,456 (UIC: $152,710), 5/15/09 - 4/30/10, Tom Prudhomme,
Jason Leigh, Andrew Johnson, in collaboration with Patricia Rushing, Guy
NCLT: A Center to Develop Nanoscale Science and Engineering Educators
with Leadership Capabilities, National Science Foundation
(DRL-0426328), $15,988,084 (UIC: $1,075,000) 10/1/04 - 9/30/09, Thomas
Moher, Andrew Johnson, Jim Pellegrino, Carmen Lilley
ITR Learning-Centered Design Methodology: Meeting the Nation's Need
for Computational Tools for K-12 Science Education, National
Science Foundation, $3,179,998 (UIC: 334,996) from 9/1/00 - 8/31/04,
Elliot Soloway, Andrew Johnson (PI of UIC subcontract), Danny Edelson,
Mark Guzdial, Joe Krazjik
Prior Knowledge, Analogical Transfer and Multiple Perspectives in
Child Learning, National Science Foundation (BCS-9907839),
$133,942, 9/1/99 - 8/31/01, Stellan Ohlsson, Andrew Johnson, Thomas
REU Supplement to STAR TAP 2, National Science Foundation,
$30,000 from 5/01/99 - 4/30/01, Tom DeFanti, Andrew Johnson
Deep Learning and Visualization Technologies, National Science
Foundation (EIA-9720351), $250,001, 10/1/97-9/31/00, Tom DeFanti, Andrew
Johnson, Tom Moher, Stellan Ohlsson
Systems Development
Research Infrastructure: MRI: Track 2 Acquisition of Data Observation and Computation Collaboratory (DOCC), National Science Foundation (CNS 2320261),
$1,548,545, 10/01/2023 - 9/30/2026, Andrew Johnson, Mike Papka, Liz Marai, Fabio Miranda, Nikita Soni
MRI: Acquisition of a Composable Platform as a Service Instrument for
Deep Learning & Visualization (COMPaaS DLV), National Science
Foundation (CNS 1828265), $1,029,363, 10/1/18 - 9/30/22, Maxine Brown,
Andrew Johnson, Robert Kenyon, Liz Marai
MRI - Development of Continuum: A Virtualized Attentive Environment
for Amplified Collaboration, National Science Foundation (CNS
1625941), $582,001, 10/1/16 - 9/30/20, Andrew Johnson, Maxine Brown,
Robert Kenyon, Liz Marai, Debaleena Chattopadhyay
Development of the Sensor Environment Imaging (SENSEI) Instrument,
National Science Foundation (CNS 1456638), $3,547,999, 10/1/14 -
9/30/19, Maxine Brown, Andrew Johnson, Robert Kenyon, Tanya Berger-Wolf,
in collaboration with Jason Leigh, Truong Nguyen, Jules Jaffe, Francois
MRI-R2: Development of the Next-Generation CAVE Virtual Environment
(NG-CAVE), National Science Foundation (CNS-0959053), $701,815,
5/01/10 - 4/30/13, Andrew Johnson, Jason Leigh, Tom Peterka, Maxine
MRI: Development of OmegaTable and OmegaDesk - Instruments for
Interactive Visual Data Exploration and Collaboration, National
Science Foundation (CNS-0821121), $466,000, 9/1/08 - 8/31/13, Jason
Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Luc Renambot, Maxine Brown
MRI: Development of Instrumentation for Lambda Vision, National
Science Foundation (CNS-0420477), $395,726 9/15/04 - 8/31/09, Jason
Leigh, Andrew Johnson, Luc Renambot, Tom DeFanti, Tom Moher
Instrumentation Development for Human-Centered Tele-Immersion,
National Science Foundation (EIA-9871058), $770,000 from 9/1/98 -
8/31/01, Tom DeFanti, Dan Sandin, Greg Dawe, Maggie Rawlings, Andrew
STI: Starlight: Strategic Technologies for Internet Discovery and
Development, National Science Foundation (ACI-0229642), $1,512,000
11/01/02 - 10/31/05, Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, Jason Leigh, Oliver Yu,
Andrew Johnson (senior personnel)
EuroLink: High Performance International Internet Services between
Research and Educational Institutions in the United States and Europe
/ Israel, National Science Foundation (ACI-9730202), $12,069,564
from 4/01/99 - 5/31/06, Tom DeFanti, Maxine Brown, Jason Leigh, Andrew
Johnson, Daniel Sandin
EMERGE: ESnet / MREN Regional Grid Experimental NGI Testbed,
Department of Energy, $1,457,160 from 8/01/99 - 7/31/02, Tom DeFanti,
Oliver Yu, Maxine Brown, Andrew Johnson, Jason Leigh