sine::apsis experiments

January 1st, 1998 - May 15th, 1998

Categories: Multimedia, Sound Art, Video / Film, VR Art, Web Art


sine::apsis experiments, based in Chicago, is a network of artists who take an unorthodox look at the role of technology in relation to human experience through the production of art. Individually and as a group, sine::apsis experiments create computer-mediated kinetic and interactive sculptures, sound sculptures, video and light installations, and experiments with microorganisms. Of this group, Sabrina Raaf, Fernando Orellana and Todd Margolis are also part of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory MFA community.

The group (formerly known as “synapse”) was founded in 1998 when Sabrina Raaf and Fernando Orellana, invited nine other Chicago-based artists to meet and discuss issues concerning art and technology-such as how technologies encourage rapid restructuring and new use of our bodies that, in turn, change experiences of our embodiment in the world.

sine::apsis experiments’ group project Fluid, is a finalist for a Creative Capital grant, one of the nation’s most competitive artist project grants. A member, Sabrina Raaf received this grant for 2002.

Publications include a review in, YLEM, MIT’s electronic journal Leonardo, the Chicago Reader, and the members were included in the book Information Arts: Intersections of Art, Science and Technology by Steve Wilson.
