EVL Alumna Opens Emerging Analytics Center at University of Arkansas

October 16th, 2015 - October 17th, 2015

Categories: Academic, Applications, Industrial VR, Multimedia, Software, Tele-Immersion, User Groups, Virtual Medicine, Visualization, VR, Visual Analytics, Visual Informatics

Carolina Cruz-Neira
Carolina Cruz-Neira


EVL PhD alumna and director of the University of Arkansas Little Rock’s Emerging Analytics Center, Carolina Cruz-Neira hosts the inaugural open house of her latest Virtual Reality Center.

Among Cruz-Neira’s accomplishments is as the co-creator of the CAVE™ Virtual Realtiy Environment, developed as part of her PhD research at EVL. She is also recognized by having founded and led very successful virtual reality research centers, like the Virtual Reality Applications Center at Iowa State University, the Louisiana Immersive Technologies Enterprise and now the Emerging Analytics Center (EAC).

EAC’s work is centered on interdisciplinary projects and it covers a wide range of topics from the development and use of large-scale one-of-a-kind systems to every day portable technologies such as smart phones, glasses and tablets as well as pioneering applications for these technologies in many disciplines and markets.

EAC’’s projects are in areas such as large data visualization, data analytics, training environments, software architectures for visualization and virtual reality, technology development, modeling and simulation, museum installations, and tech-transfer to many of our sponsors and collaborators.

Join Cruz-Neira and EAC faculty, researchers, and students at the facility open house October 16-17, 2015 at the Emerging Analytics Center, UALR EIT - 420.

Register: discovervirtualreality.eventbrite.com
