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Virtual Medicine
pubs (28)
RehabJim: A Third Person Approach To Virtual Reality Biomechanical Rehabilitation
The intrinsic geometry of the human brain connectome
Development and Validation of a Virtual Human Vignette to Compare Nurses Assessment and Intervention Choices for Pain in Critically Ill Children
Immunohistochemical Evaluation of Bleeding Control Induced by Holmium Laser and Biolase Dental Laser As Coagulting Devices of Incisional Wounds
Virtual Reality Environment Assisting Post Stroke Hand Rehabilitation: Case Report
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Alan Millman
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events (64)
Interested in pursuing a PhD in Computer Science in the United States?
New Computer Design Research and Learning Center Breaks Ground
Maximizing cancer survival, minimizing treatment side effects with AI
Andrew Johnson Named Interim Director, EVL
EVL Research Assistant Ryan Nishimoto Featured as Computer Science Grad
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research (19)
RehabJim: A Third Person Approach To Virtual Reality Biomechanical Rehabilitation
Enhancing Nurse Effectiveness via Augmented Communication Tools
MARS3 - Machines Assisting Recovery from Stroke
Virtual Reality for Medical Training
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