Andrea Rottigni Thesis Presentation: “Serious Games for Virtual Rehabilitation in a Large Scale Virtual Reality Environment”

May 6th, 2016

Categories: Applications, User Groups, Virtual Medicine, VR

User interactis with “RehabJim” rehabilitation application
User interactis with “RehabJim” rehabilitation application


Wednesday, May 6, 2016, 11:00 AM
Room 1000, Science & Engineering Office Building, UIC

UIC Computer Science and EVL exchange student from the Politecnico di Milano in Italy, Andrea Rottigni presents his thesis research that explores the use of Virtual Reality for upper-limb and walking rehabilitation.

“RehabJim” is a serious game designed for post-stroke patients to help with upper-limb rehabilitation using the CAVE2™ Hybrid Reality Environment. The application can be run in two modes - first and third person perspectives to allow domain scientists to better understand, which mode might be most effective in patient rehabilitation. A small user study was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of each perspective mode.

“CAVEChef”, another serious game developed for the CAVE2 to assist post-stroke patients in walking rehabilitation tasks. “CAVEChef” uses a third person perspective.