Introducing SAGE3 - Zoom event hosted by the CineGrid Community Forum

June 23rd, 2021 - June 24th, 2021

Categories: Applications, Software, User Groups, Tele-Collaboration, Remote Collaboration, Human Computer Interaction (HCI), Data Science, Artificial Intelligence

Jason Leigh, UHM, is the primary principal investigator and inventor of SAGE/SAGE2/SAGE3.
Jason Leigh, UHM, is the primary principal investigator and inventor of SAGE/SAGE2/SAGE3.


Since receiving an NSF award for SAGE3, the Smart Amplified Group Environment, in May 2020, the SAGE3 Team has been hard at work designing and developing SAGE3. An alpha version of the SAGE3 remote collaboration platform is being developed, and the Team will give a Zoom-based SAGE3 presentation and demonstration as part of the CineGrid organization’s Summer Community Forum series. All are welcome to attend!

Jason Leigh and Luc Renambot will be presenting next-generation SAGE3 along with the rest of the Team. Jason and Luc are CineGrid founding members and SAGE/SAGE2/SAGE3 inventors and architects. The CineGrid organization previously focused on the use of advanced networks for digital media processing, analysis, transformation and preservation, but more recently it is focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) research and its relevance to digital media.

SAGE3 is being designed to integrate AI technologies with applications, visualization workflows and collaboration services. SAGE3 takes advantage of major technological and sociological changes that have occurred since SAGE2 was introduced in 2013. Notably, web browsers and languages are maturing; scientific communities are relying on notebooks; science workloads incorporate AI programs and programmable infrastructure; and, given the pandemic, the workplace is changing to hybrid office/home environments that require not just video-teleconferencing but data-driven tools for largely distributed groups.

All are welcome to attend the CineGrid Community Forum. There will be two SAGE3 sessions to accommodate international audiences; both sessions will present the same content, though the audience and questions may vary.
* Tuesday, June 22 at 4:30pm - 6:00pm PDT
* Wednesday, June 23 at 10am - 11:30am PDT

Registration is required for each session, but there is no cost. To register, click here.

This event has been recorded and available on the CineGrid Community Forum archive website.

SAGE3 is being developed by the Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and Applications (LAVA) and the Hawaii Data Science Institute (HI-DSI) at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM), the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), and the Sanghani Center for AI and Data Analytics (Sanghani) at Virginia Tech (VT). SAGE3 receives major funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation, awards #2004014 (UHM), #2003800 (UIC) and #2003387 (VT). SAGE, SAGE2 and SAGE3 are trademarks of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees.
