August 27th, 2021
Categories: Applications, Software, User Groups, Tele-Collaboration, Remote Collaboration, Cybersecurity, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence
For those unable to attend the SAGE3 presentations and live demonstrations by SAGE3 Principal Investigator (PI) Jason Leigh and co-PI Luc Renambot as well as other SAGE3 Team members to PRAGMA and CineGrid earlier this summer, the sessions are now available via YouTube.
Access the PRAGMA recording.
The same SAGE3 virtual presentation and demonstration was done for the CineGrid community; however, the Questions & Answers following the demo were very different. Access the CineGrid recording.
SAGE3 is being developed by the Laboratory for Advanced Visualization and Applications (LAVA) and the Hawaii Data Science Institute (HI-DSI) at University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa (UHM), the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at University of Illinois Chicago (UIC), and the Sanghani Center for AI and Data Analytics (Sanghani) at Virginia Tech (VT). SAGE3 receives major funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), awards #2004014 (UHM), #2003800 (UIC) and #2003387 (VT).
SAGE, SAGE2 and SAGE3 are trademarks of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees.