August 8th, 2005
Categories: Devices, Networking, Supercomputing, Tele-Immersion, Visualization
Researchers from the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL), collaborated with researchers at the California Institute for Telecommunictions and Information Technology (Calit2) at UCSD and the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), using Optiputer on a new 10-Gigabit per second (Gbps) National LambdaRail, linking NASA research center to UCSD. During the Live Demonstration of 21st Century National-Scale Team Science, scientists were allowed to establish high-definition telepresence, while also collaborating in real time on visualizing massive amounts of remote land and weather data. The software framework driving the large tiled display at GFSC - the HyperWall, was the Scalable Adaptive Graphics Environment (SAGE), developed at EVL. Teravision and Juxtaview, two other applications developed at EVL, were also operated using SAGE.