Site Unseen 2009: (dis)abling conditions

November 9th, 2009

Categories: Applications, Human Factors, Multimedia, Museums, VR Art


Monday, November 9th
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Chicago Cultural Center

For one night only, the Chicago Cultural Center will host Site Unseen, a site-specific performance event featuring theater, dance, music, and visual art. The performances, installations, and video works will all consider issues around disability and will be created specifically for the rooms and architecture of the Chicago Cultural Center.

Participating artists creating audio, performance, spoken word, movement-based, and media installation art include: Mike Ervin and Rahnee Patrick, Judith Harding in collaboration with Still Point Theatre Collective, James Kubie and Katrina Chamberlin in collaboration with Joseph Belknap, Marissa Perel and Madeleine Bailey, Debra Tolchinsky, Unreal-estates (Annette Barbier and Drew Browning) and Project Onward.
