TIDE: Tele-Immersive Data Explorer

May 1st, 1999 - June 1st, 2000

Categories: Applications, Data Mining, Networking, Software, Tele-Immersion, Visualization


The Tele-Immersive Data Explorer is a CAVERNsoft-based collaborative, immersive environment for querying and visualizing data from massive and distributed data-stores. TIDE is designed as a re-usable framework to facilitate the construction of other domain-specific data exploration applications challenged with the problem of having to visualize massive data-sets.

At Supercomputing 1999, TIDE clients running on ImmersaDesks at various exhibit booths (notably the National Center for Data Mining, Argonne National Laboratory, Alliance and ASCI booths) collaboratively queried and correlated data distributed amongst several DSTP (Data Space Transfer Protocol) servers. DSTP is a next-generation data mining tool for the distribution, inquiry, and retrieval of data columns for correlation studies.