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pubs (13)
A Hybrid Collaborative Virtual Environment with Heterogeneous Representations for Architectural Planning
Accelerating tropical cyclone analysis using LambdaRAM, a distributed data cache over wide-area ultra-fast networks
Specification and Verification of LambdaRAM - A Wide-Area Distributed Cache for High Performance Computing
Passing Excellence, The Interactive Art Visualization Of the Kizhi Ensemble
The Effects of Scene Complexity, Stereovision, and Motion Parallax on Size Constancy in a Virtual Environment
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events (25)
SAGE3 Tutorial Sessions at ACM Interactive Surfaces and Spaces Conference (ACM ISS 2023)
Mechdyne Open House at UIC/EVL Showcases expanded riverwalk concepts for Chicago
Forum Studio and Mu/Dai discuss the intersection of digital UX space and Architecture
Chicago Ideas Week (CIW) 2013
Julieta Aguilera’s
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research (2)
Proposed UIC College of Engineering Building Rendition in the CAVE2™ Hybrid Reality Environment
CASA: Computer Augmentation for Smart Architectonics