Mobile App Development

Office: 312-996-2611
Office hours:
by appointment
4 credits
Daria Tsoupikova
Donald Bergh
Monday 1:00 - 6:40PM
Lab: 3036 Engineering Research Facility (ERF)
842 W Taylor

Week 1 Course Introduction and Logistics HTML+CSS review CSS Intro, Color CSS Layout Assignment: Develop 3 storyboard screens in HTML+CSS (each team member) Week 2 Intro to JavaSript Atom JS editor download lab files JS examples Essential Training for Data Scientists by Emma Saunders on Ch. 1 only JavaScript Essential Training with Morten Rand-Hendriksen on Ch. 1-4 Assignment: Develop all screens/designs in HTML+CSS Week 3 JavaSript 2 JavaSript objects JS examples2 JavaScript Essential Training with Morten Rand-Hendriksen on Ch. 4-8 Assignment: Finalize HTML/CSS design/development Week 4 Intro to jQuery jQuery Mobile sliding menue jQ examples jQM examples Tutorial on vimeo (1h 06 min)- min 1-15.40 Assignment: Add JavaScript functionality / menu Week 5 Jquery/jQuery Mobile Intro to jQuery Mobile with Joe Marini on Tutorial on vimeo (1h 06 min)- min 15.40+ jQuery Mobile tutorial jQuery Mobile tutorial2 Week 6 Intro to PhoneGap/Cordova Export to device Week 7 Export to device, publication, packaging App icon Intro to Xcode Week 8 Midterm Review I Intro to Data JSON data example
Week 9 Midterm Review with clients JavaScript Date() object Uploading data to the server User registration form Date examples registration example
Week 10 Spring break
Week 11 JavaScript Quiz and dynamic Jquery Quiz Javascript Quiz example JQuery Quiz example
Week 12 Sending SMS from web app send-sms.js example Week 13 Sending push notifications Github demo example download Week 14 Website Search function Dry run, Revisions Work on Final Project Assignment: Final Project Documentation
Week 15 Final Review with clients




Team projects, reviews

Final lab with clients and Daily Bytes team. Will, Ryan and Jessica present their work in progress.

Final review with instructors and clients in Cybercommons. Meducate Me team.

Final review with instructors and clients in Cybercommons. Comet team.

Clients Amelia and students give their feedback to Bytes team.