Celebrating Women in New Media Arts

March 18th, 2016

Categories: Animation, Applications, Multimedia, Sound Art, Video / Film, Visualization, VR, VR Art, Web Art


Friday, March 18, 2016
9:30am - 4:30pm
SAIC Ballroom, 112 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago

“Celebrating Women in New Media Arts,” a one-day symposium at the School of the Art Institute (SAIC), examines the achievements of women in the field of media art and emerging technologies from the 1980s onward. It is the signature event in SAIC’s Conversations on Art and Science spring series. It is also a celebration of Women’s History Month.

In addition, this symposium celebrates the upcoming release of the new book from the University of Illinois Press, Women in New Media Arts: Perspectives on Innovative Collaboration, edited by Donna Cox, Janine Fron, and Ellen Sandor.

Many of the women involved in the symposium, and included in the forthcoming book, are alumnae of the Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago, from both the Computer Science Department and the College of Architecture, Design, and the Arts (CADA). Included in this distinguished list are Carolina Cruz-Neira, Margaret Dolinsky, Copper Giloth, Lucy Petrovich, Dana Plepys, and Barbara Sykes. Also speaking is CADA associate professor Sabrina Raaf and EVL director Maxine Brown.

The audience consists of friends of the presenters, academic colleagues, and SAIC undergraduate and graduate students. This event is open to the public.

Symposium schedule.
Facebook posting.