
June 28th, 2002 - August 3rd, 2002

Categories: Human Factors, Multimedia, Sound Art, Video / Film, VR Art, Web Art


“plugANDplay” is an exhibition which pushes the limits and vagaries of an electronically overwhelmed culture. Each piece is to be simply plugged in and played.

EVLers and sine::apsis experiments members Todd Margolis and Fernando Orellana showcase their work in this exhibition, which runs concurrently at Swanson Cralle: S:N (signal to noise), June 28th-August 10th.

Todd Margolis
man+machine, (3) 8.5’ x 11’ light boxes
A series of ImmersaGrams that explore the potentialities of incorporating machine technology into the human body. These images appear similar to 3D X-Rays and present the viewer with a cyborg / human entity.

Fernando Orellana
S.R.A v. 1.0 - 1.5 (superfluously redundant analysis) 15’ x 15’

sine::apsis experiments members: Kevin Heisner, Daniel Miller, Fernando Orellana, Amy Youngs, Valerie Fuchs, Sabrina Raaf, Andrea Polli, Todd Margolis

Invited artists include: Ben Chang, Thomas DeLisle, Russel Hulsey, Keenan Lawler, Jamie Tittle, Trevor Paglen, Silvia Ruzanka, Chris Sorg, Dmitry Stakovsky