Programming the Personal Augmented Reality Immersive System PARIS™

September 11th, 2003

Categories: Applications, Devices, Education, MS / PhD Thesis, Virtual Medicine, Visualization

Users Manipulate a Virtual Cranial Implant on the PARIS
Users Manipulate a Virtual Cranial Implant on the PARIS


The Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL) at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) in cooperation with UIC’s Virtual Reality in Medicine Laboratory and Department of Neurosurgery, are developing a collaborative augmented reality environment with haptic feedback to provide a precise method to construct and revise pre-surgical cranial implant designs. This process can correct traumatic head injuries and restore normal facial appearance.

EVL’s Personal Augmented Reality Immersive System (PARIS) presents unique challenges to software development. Integrating the display, rendering, and haptics libraries requires understanding the various capabilities of each. This presentation provides an overview of the techniques used for software development on the augmented reality system, PARIS.

The Sensory Motor Performance Program at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago has recently received its second PARIS machine.
