January 11th, 2011 - May 7th, 2011
Categories: Applications, Devices, Education, Industrial VR, Software, User Groups, Virtual Medicine, Visualization, VR
Are you interested in learning a cool 3D-touch technology?
EVL collaborator, Research Assistant Professor Cristian Luciano (MIE) introduces UIC’s first hands-on course on haptics (or the sense of touch) and augmented reality. You’ll learn how to successfully combine high-level 3D graphics, haptics, collision detection and physics-based dynamic simulation for a more realistic interactive experience. You’ll be able to easily develop virtual reality applications to visualize and feel holographic-like virtual objects for engineering, medical, dental and scientific simulation and training.
Multiple SensAble Technologies’ Omni haptic devices and PC workstations will be available for the students to develop the projects.
Time: MW, 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM
Place: 3290 SEL
Pre-requisites: None
Recommended for: Grads and undergrads
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