The digital component of the circle graphics habitat

June 7th, 1976

Categories: Devices, Multimedia, User Groups, Video / Film


DeFanti, T.A.


This real-time interactive computer graphics system derives from the author’s dissertation at the Ohio State University (National Science Foundation Grant GJ-204, Charles A. Csuri, project director). The system, called “The Graphics Symbiosis System” or “Grass” was first designed to help artists interactively explore computer art without the constant companionship of a programmer. Over the past three years, it has been expanded at the University of Illinois at Chicago Circle and is now the image generation portion of a short-order full-color animation videotape production facility called “The Circle Graphics Habitat.” Combined with Dan Sandin’s Image Processor, the system is sufficiently powerful and flexible to be used in real-time performance context here at UICC.




DeFanti, T.A., The digital component of the circle graphics habitat, AFIPS '76 Proceedings of the June 7-10, 1976, national computer conference and exposition, New York, NY, Association of Computing Machinery, pp. 195-203, doi:10.1145/1499799.1499829, June 7th, 1976.