April 1st, 2002 - December 15th, 2002
Categories: VR Art
CityCluster: From the Renaissance to the Gigabits Networking Age is a virtual reality and high-speed networking project that juxtaposes the Renaissance and the emerging Gigabits Networking Age, represented metaphorically by Florence and Chicago.
The project aims to explore the opportunities offered by advanced information technology in order to make this digital tool a more humanistic instrument of communication for the fruition of artistic content and communication.
This project was initiated by Franz Fishnaller and Prof. Alberto Del Bimbo, Project Coordinator and Deputy Rector for Research and Innovation Transfer at University of Florence (UNIFI) and Member of the Scientific Board of MICC.
Developed in Florence and Chicago, both sites will host a networked VR interactive visualization system, enabling the local and remote visitor to access and share the virtual reality collaborative environment. Tele-Immersion or collaborative virtual reality shared over networks enables the visitors to interact with each other as well as with three-dimensional models over distance, in real-time.
High-speed networking technology will be used as a creative tool for communication in all the phases of development: pre-production, production, testing, implementing and exhibition. The net visitor interacts through the avatars in a “Virtual Plaza”, which integrates the Renaissance and the Gigabits Networking Age.
The exhibit / event will take place in December 2002 in real-time between Florence and Chicago.