July 24th, 1994 - July 29th, 1994
Categories: Animation, Applications, Data Mining, Education, Human Factors, Industrial VR, Networking, Supercomputing, Virtual Medicine, Visualization
Those who attended the exhibition of VROOM at the proceedings of Siggraph ’94, experienced the possibilities of scientific visualization in computational science and engineering with emphasis on interactive, collaborative problem-solving. Virtual environments enabled participants to view, enter and interact with massive datasets. They could become smaller than an atom or larger than the universe; stand in the middle of a thunderstorm or travel through the human bloodstream.
Over 40 projects were exhibited during four days of demonstrations, involving more than 200 researchers. The demonstrations used CAVE and BOOM technologies, transmitted over local high-speed networks, using massive datastores, superworkstations, supercomputers, and scientific instrumentation. The primary goal of VROOM was to encourage the development of teams, tools, hardware, system software, and human interface models. New interaction paradigms for virtual environments, tuned to science and engineering emerged.
Attendees gained a vision of the 90’s scientific “cyberworkspace”. VR experiences enable researchers to interactively explore their scientific domains, play “what if” games by modifying their codes, and view the resulting visualizations. VR is recognized as an “intelligent user interface” to the emerging National Information Infrastructure, that will enable computational scientists and engineers to access HPCC enabling technologies and put the “human in the loop” for timely data analysis and understanding.
Additional EVL applications are as follows (also see ‘related research’ links below):
Computational Modeling for Crash-Worthiness
Simulation of a Grinding Process
Visualization of Casting Process
Using VR for Machine Design
Scientific Visualization of Gyrofluid Tokamak Turbulence
Getting Physical in Four Dimensions
Topological Surface Deformation
The Virtual Eye
Weakly Electric Fish Electric Organ Discharge
JASON Interactive Mapper
Post-Euclidean Walkabout