October 18th, 2018
Categories: Animation, Applications, Cultural Heritage, Education, MFA Thesis, MS / PhD Thesis, Multimedia, Software, Sound Art, Video / Film, Virtual Medicine, Visualization, VR, VR Art, Web Art, Video Games, Mixed Reality, Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
OCTOBER 18, 2018 - “Herstory: Digital Innovations Symposium and Book Signing,” celebrates the book “New Media Futures (NMF): The Rise of Women in the Digital Arts.” The Symposium will take place at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC), 1205 West Clark, Room 1030, Urbana, IL, on October 26, 2018, from 8:30am - 2:00pm.
The NMF chronicles 22 women who went to school or worked at UIUC, University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), and the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, in the 1980s and beyond, during a pivotal time for the digital arts media in the Midwest. Nine of the 22 women profiled in the book are PhD/MS/MFA/BFA graduates and/or employees of the UIC Electronic Visualization Laboratory (EVL), which, at the time, was a formal collaboration between the UIC Computer Science department and UIC School of Art and Design.
Thirteen of the book’s contributors will attend the Symposium - including the woman who designed the first graphical web browser, the first female gaming company founder, and the woman who helped build the first room-sized virtual reality room environment - and will give TED-inspired Lightning Talks, and meet with attendees. They will discuss their passions, digital innovations and their herstories - both formally in short presentations and informally in small group breakouts - to inspire and mentor a young and diverse audience. Seven of the speakers have an affiliation with EVL: Maxine Brown, Carolina Cruz-Neira, Margaret Dolinsky, Copper Giloth, Dana Plepys, Mary Rasmussen and Barbara Sykes.
For more information about the Symposium, see the flyer below and go to the website.
More information about the NMF book.